
An organic vegetable community garden

Run by the gardeners since 1986

Feeding ourselves and our community through organic gardening

The Charmaine Nymann Community Garden is located in beautiful Bear Creek Regional Park, on the west side of Colorado Springs. It is the oldest community garden in the Pikes Peak Region, with some of the best amended soil a gardener could wish for.

Gardeners who rent a plot become members of the Bear Creek Garden Association (BCGA), a Colorado non-profit corporation, which runs the garden under a Land Use Agreement with El Paso County. Many of our gardeners donate excess produce to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and Silver Key. Learn more here.

Bear Creek Garden Association Handbook

The Bear Creek Garden Association Handbook has been written by multiple gardeners over the years to provide advice about the growing season, vegetable varieties that do well at the Charmaine Nymann Community Garden, early seed starting, square foot gardening, garden rules and local resources. We are happy to share it with the community.

The Handbook can be viewed or downloaded using this link.

Film: "A Garden Experience"

'Child With Watering Can' - Photograph by Mark Fesgen

"A Garden Experience - Growing Organic” is a 30-minute film about the Charmaine Nymann Community Garden made by local filmmakers Nancy Bentley and John Atkinson, with original music by George Ulrich. The film was released in 2018 and has been shown at several film festivals in the US and abroad.

You can watch it courtesy of the El Paso County Parks & Community Services Department here. The film can be purchased on DVD for $20.00 from the distributor, Chip Taylor Communications: https://www.chiptaylor.com

Work a plot

Learn how the garden operates, important information for gardeners, and how to register for a plot.

Learn More  →

Support the garden

The garden needs your support each year to bring a herd of goats to Bear Creek Regional Park.

Find Out How →